Hospitality 2.0:Hotel Sogo’s Innovation in Post-Covid-19

The world is facing an economic, health, and social crisis due to Coronavirus (CoVid-19), which is identified as an illness caused by a virus that can spread from person to person. Truly, this CoVid-19 pandemic shook the hotel industry really hard, and turned many hotel businesses upside down, especially here in the Philippines. As we all know the hotel industry is designed to operate and accept guests 24/7. But because of this pandemic, travel restrictions were put in place to control the further spread of the virus. In line with that, Hotel Sogo, the largest hotel chain in the Philippines, utilized this pandemic as an opportunity for innovation. Hotel Sogo unveiled new measures to re-establish confidence in the hotel industry as they adapt to the “new normal” state. Innovation as its finest. As part of their “So Clean, So Good, So Safe” campaign under its Sogo So Safe Program, concrete ways were made to increase its cleanliness standards to meet the new ...