5 Wellness Habits to Support Your Immune System
Marien Garza Registered Dietitian; Member of Dietetic Advisory Board and Outer Nutrition Advisory Board, Herbalife Nutrition The human body is a fascinating machine, and so are its mechanisms and processes. One of the most interesting ones is the immune system: learning how our body defends itself against disease and infection has intrigued humans for millennia. One of the earliest immunological observations recorded is the one by Thucydides, a Greek historian and military man who around 430 B.C. noted that there were people who, during an outbreak of plague in Athens, were lucky to recover and did not contract the disease a second time. The modern study of the immune system began with scientist Luis Pasteur in the mid-19th century, when it was scientifically identified as a protector against infectious diseases. From then on, research has become more refined, and new discoveries are made regularly. For example, during the past 20 years, researchers have discovered the immune system’s ...