
Showing posts from October, 2018


SAY YES AND LET GO. NIDO Growing-Up Milks in partnership with KidZania Manila launches the NIDO 3+/5+ City Challenge. (from L-R: Gian Abaya, Digital Content Manager for Nestle Infant Nutrition; Tam Patino, Marketing & Promotions Executive for NIDO GUM; Pearl Lu, Consumer Marketing Manager for NIDO GUM; Missy Ayson, Vice President, Lead Consumer Marketing Manager for NIDO GUM; Proud NIDO GUM mommies Say Alonzo (with son Asher) and Bettina Carlos (with daughter Gummy); and Cyril Silangan, e-Business Head of Nestle Infant Nutrition). MANILA, Philippines, 27 October 2018  – NIDO ®  3+ and 5+ empowers parents to say YES and LET GO of their kids, letting them explore, learn, and appreciate the real world through fun, educational, role-playing activities. Just in time for National Children’s Month, NIDO ®  3+ and 5+ in partnership with KidZania Manila presents the  NIDO ®  3+/5+ City Challenge . The NIDO ®  3+/5+ City Challenge features a series...

Irresistible Halloween treats from the Discovery Group

Sunset Halloween barbecue at Club Paradise Palawan, perfect for bat-watching This Halloween, The Discovery Leisure Company and its world-class roster of hotels and resorts presents spook-tacular treats for the young and young at heart—fun and delightful offers for the whole family. Discovery Country Suites Tagaytay At the Discovery Country Suites Tagaytay, a charming bed-and-breakfast country home in lush Tagaytay Ridge, you can choose between a fun Trick or Treat activity or exciting Games at the Garden, exclusively for in-house guests, from 4-5 p.m., on October 31 and November 1-4, 2018. At 5:30 p.m., sit back, relax and enjoy a movie at the Teepee set-up in the Family Room. All this is brought to you by Dutch Mill, Lemon Square, Oishi, Kettle Korn and Lucky Me. To get the most out of your stay, use the promo code BOOKSMART and book at h t t p s: / / w w w . d i sco ve ryc o u n t rysu i t e s. co m/ b o o k-sma rt / . D...

Bringing the best Filipino brands to the world

Century Pacific Food, Inc. receives the Outstanding Achievement in Export Marketing from Agora Awards, the highest award-giving body that recognizes companies and individuals that are at the cutting edge of marketing excellence.  Where there is a large community of Filipinos in any country across the globe, you will almost certainly find the taste of home in every can of Century Tuna and Argentina canned meats in the shelves of top supermarkets. For several years now, Century Pacific Food, Inc. (CPFI), the company founded by visionary entrepreneur and iconoclast Ricardo Po Sr. in 1978, has been successfully bringing these brands to many markets across the globe. Bringing the best Filipino brands to the world from its dominant local industry position with a market share of 83% in the canned tunamarket, the company gained wide acceptance for its flagship product Century Tuna inkey markets in the Middle East, North America, and Europe and across Asia Paci...

The right shoes for Piolo Pascual

Figlia UOMO Brand Ambassador, Mr. Piolo Pascual. For stylish, versatile and masculine Piolo Pascual, Figlia UOMO shoes are the right fit, with a variety of high-quality pairs to complement his diverse lifestyle while for Figlia OUMO, he is just what they are looking for in a brand ambassador. The popular actor represents the Filipino’s classic taste, strong fashion sense and very distinct style, qualities the new line of men’s shoes wanted in the person that will represent its brand. The heartthrob formally marked his debut as the brand ambassador at a fashion show that launched Figlia UOMO. The show will feature Figlia UOMO’s three stylish collections: formal, semi-formal and casual. UOMO means “man” in Italian. As the men’s line of a trusted brand, Figlia UOMO offers the same quality, style and comfort Figlia is known for. The new shoe line aims to set the trend in men’s shoes through its unique collection of impeccable designs at competitive prices. For more information...

Stylish shoes for the stylish man

The ultimate hearthtrob, Mr. Piolo Pascual as the Brand Ambassador of Figlia UOMO, the new line of stylish shoes for men. Shoes complete the look you want to achieve. Get the right pair from the new line of high-quality shoes for men – Figlia UOMO. UOMO means “man” in Italian. As the men’s line of Figlia, one of the country’s leading shoe brands, Figlia UOMO aims to set the trend through a unique collection that offers impeccable design, competitive pricing and top-notched quality. Piolo Pascual is wearing the stylish U10 Dominic from the formal collection of Figlia UOMO. To perfectly represent the brand’s diversity, versatility, and stylishness, Figlia UOMO taps celebrity heartthrob Piolo Pascual as the brand ambassador. Pascual is the epitome of stylish and well-dressed man. For his diverse lifestyle, Figlia UOMO offers a variety of shoes fit for any occasion. Here are different shoes fit for any occasions. With three stylish collections – formal...

Be emergency-ready this rainy season with reliable Akari products

(L-R) Akari’s LED emergency light, 12-inch blueto oth music box fan, and electric mosquito killer It's the rainy season once again, posing hazard to the Filipinos’ health and homes.   Aka ri , t h e l e a d i n g l i g h t i n g a n d t e ch n o l o g y b ra n d i n t h e co u n t ry, a i ms t o help you keep your home and family safe and to be emergency-ready this rainy season.   Eq u i p yo u r h o me w i t h Ak a ri L E D e me r g e n cy l i g h t t o p ro vi d e yo u w i t h t e mp o ra ry l i g h t i n g  o f u p t o se v e n h o u rs d u r i n g a p o w e r o u t a g e . T o e n su re a l o n g e r b a t t e ry l i f e s p a n , i t f e a t u re s o v e rch a rg e / o ve r-d i sc h a rg e protection so you can keep it plugged in and ready- to-use in times of sudden blackouts.   T o a vo i d mo s q u i t o -b o rn e d i se a s e s co mmo n d u ri n g t h e w e t se a s o n , Aka ri ...