Is Your Child School Ready?

Nido Fortigrow will have a booth to this upcoming booth at SmartKids Asia Philippines (SKAP)

For parents, making sure that their children are ready to take on school challenges can be a tricky, if not a grueling task. As all individuals are wired differently, there is no single formula that will determine the level of readiness of each child.

Thankfully, Lillian Juadiong, PhD, a renowned family life and child development specialist, came up with the article entitled “The 10 Signs of A School-Ready Kid.” In her piece, Juadiong presents a handy guide that parents can use in assessing a child’s physical and mental progress.

First, she says, check if the kid can solve problems creatively, is curious to discover, and shows well-coordinated body movements.

She continues that a child must have eagerness to learn new words, have a good understanding of math concepts, must be able to talk and listen well, and possesses social skills to get along with others.

It is also important for parents to look into their kid’s writing skills and ability to follow a series of directions and exhibit longer attention span.

But it must be noted that these developmental milestones usually result from having a sound mind and body. Aside from moral support, it is vital for parents to provide the right nutrition to help their kid in the growing up years.

Nido Fortigrow, a milk formulated for kids aged seven and up, can help parents meet the demands of a growing child. It has the 3D Nutrition System that helps in brain development and building body resistance, making their mind and body ready for school.

Nido Fortigrow at SmartKids Asia Philippines

Parents can learn more about Nido Fortigrow by visiting its booth at SmartKids Asia Philippines (SKAP) that will to be held on January 27 and 28, 2018 at the SMX Convention Center, Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City.

Now on its fourth run in the country, SKAP is a family-oriented edutainment that started off in Malaysia, and later on expanded in Singapore and Indonesia.

SKAP is best known for its innovative activities and stage performances for the whole family.

Tickets are now available at Metrodeal via this link:

You can also win free tickets for SmartKids Asia Philippines, just check my GIVEAWAY PROMO!!!


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